

Ping-pong, or table tennis, is one of the most popular sports in the world. When participating in a ping-pong match, there are some terms and phrases that players should know and understand in English. For instance:


– Serve: This is where a player hits the ball to begin the rally.

– Forehand: The act of hitting the ball with the racket on the right side of the body.

– Backhand: The act of hitting the ball with the racket on the left side of the body.

– Rally: This is when both players hit the ball back and forth to each other.

– Spin: The way the ball rotates through the air to create a particular effect on the bounce.

– Smash: An aggressive hit that aims to put the ball away from the opponent.

Additionally, there are some common phrases that might be used during a table tennis match, such as “good shot,” “nice rally,” or “let’s play again.” It’s also essential to remember table tennis etiquette, which includes showing sportsmanship, waiting for your opponent to be ready, and acknowledging good shots by your opponent.

Overall, understanding the terms and phrases used in ping-pong matches can help players communicate and enjoy the game better.


Ping-Pong Game

Ping-pong is a popular sport in China. It was invented by the British in the late 1800s. Today, ping-pong is played all over the world and has become an Olympic sport. Ping-pong is a fast-paced game that requires skill, quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination.

Recently, my school held a ping-pong competition. The students were divided into four groups and each group had their own matches. I was in Group C and played against three other players. I practiced a lot before the competition and was confident about my skills.

In my first match, I played against a strong opponent who had quick reflexes and excellent spin techniques. It was a tough match and I had to be very focused. Despite my opponent’s skills, I managed to win the match with a score of 11-9.

My second match was easier. My opponent was not as skilled as the first one and I managed to win with a score of 11-3. In my final match, I played against a player who had excellent control over the ball and could place it anywhere on the table. The match was intense, but I managed to pull out a victory with a score of 11-8.

In the end, I won all three of my matches and advanced to the semi-finals. It was an amazing feeling to see how my hard work and practice paid off. The ping-pong competition was a great experience and I learned a lot from it. I am looking forward to playing more ping-pong in the future.


Recently, we organized a ping pong tournament at our company to promote team building and enhance physical fitness. Many employees signed up and participated in the event. After a few practice rounds, the tournament officially kicked off. It was a great opportunity for everyone to showcase their skills and have some fun.

The tournament was played in a round-robin format, where every participant played against each other. The matches were intense and competitive, with each player striving to win. At the end of the round-robin, the top four players advanced to the semifinals.

In the semifinals, the matches were even more intense, with everyone giving their best effort to get to the finals. Finally, the two best players made it to the final match, where they battled it out for the championship title.

The final match was exciting and nerve-wracking, with all the employees cheering and rooting for their favorite player. In the end, one player emerged as the champion, but everyone felt a sense of accomplishment for participating in the tournament and having a great time.

Overall, the ping pong tournament was a great success. It brought our employees together and gave us the opportunity to have some fun and exercise at the same time. We look forward to organizing more events like this in the future.


We will hold a table tennis competition

Recently, our company has decided to hold a table tennis competition. The competition is open to all staff and will take place on Friday, the 25th of October.

The competition is divided into two categories: singles and doubles. The singles competition is limited to the first 16 participants who sign up, while the doubles competition is open to the first 8 teams.

The rules are simple: each game will be played to 11 points, and the player or team who wins 2 out of 3 games will advance to the next round. There will be prizes for the winners and runners up, as well as a trophy for the champion.

We hope that everyone will take this opportunity to showcase their skills and have some fun. Even if you’re not a table tennis pro, we encourage you to come along and cheer for your colleagues. The competition will be held in our staff lounge, and refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you all there!


上一篇 2023年5月19日 22:58
下一篇 2023年5月19日 22:58


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