

打羽毛球在英文中就是“play badminton”。Badminton是一项非常受欢迎的运动,尤其在亚洲地区。打羽毛球既能锻炼身体,还能培养敏捷和协调性。与其他运动相比,打羽毛球的好处在于它不需要太多的场地和设备,只需要一个羽毛球拍和一枚羽毛球就可以开始训练。此外,羽毛球比较辛苦,可以使我们的身体得到充分的锻炼,同时也可以让我们心情愉悦,缓解生活和工作带来的压力。因此,打羽毛球是一项很受欢迎的运动,许多人都会用这个方式来放松自己。无论是在学校、公司、公园或者是家庭,都可以进行打羽毛球的活动。享受美好的羽毛球时光,从现在开始!



Playing badminton is a popular activity around the world. It is a great way to stay active and healthy while having fun. To answer the question of how to say “play badminton” in English, the answer is simply “play badminton”. But if you want to know how to write it in English, it would be “play badminton”.

Badminton is a sport that is played with a shuttlecock and a racket. The objective of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and make it land on the opponent’s side of the court without them being able to return it. The game can be played singles or doubles and can be a great workout for the whole body.

When playing badminton, it is important to have good footwork and hand-eye coordination. The game also requires quick reflexes and agility. It is a fun and challenging sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

In conclusion, to say “play badminton” in English is simply “play badminton,” and to write it in English is “play badminton”. Badminton is a fun and challenging sport that requires good footwork, hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and agility. It is a great way to stay active and healthy while having fun.


If you want to express the idea of being good at playing badminton in English, you can say “I’m good at playing badminton” or “I’m skilled at playing badminton”. Another possible sentence is “I excel at badminton”. These phrases all convey the idea of being proficient in the sport.

If you want to be more specific, you can say “I’m a skilled badminton player” or “I’m an experienced badminton player”. These sentences emphasize the mastery and expertise of the speaker in the sport.

Another way to phrase this idea could be to say “I enjoy playing badminton and am quite good at it”. Here, the speaker is highlighting their passion for the sport and their ability to play it well.

In summary, there are several ways to express the idea of being good at playing badminton in English. From general phrases to more specific ones, the language used can convey different levels of skill, expertise, and passion for the sport.

4、打羽毛球 用英语怎么说

Playing Badminton: How to Say It in English

Do you like playing badminton? It’s a fun sport that involves hitting a shuttlecock back and forth over a net using a racket. If you’re looking for the proper English terminology for playing badminton, here are some terms to help you out:

1. Shuttlecock – This refers to the feathered object that players hit back and forth between each other.

2. Racket – This is the equipment used to hit the shuttlecock. It’s basically a paddle with a handle that you hold onto.

3. Serve – This is the action of starting each game by hitting the shuttlecock from one side of the court to the other.

4. Rally – The main part of the game where players hit the shuttlecock back and forth to earn points.

5. Smash – A powerful overhead hit that is usually done on the opponent’s side of the court.

6. Drop shot – A light and delicate shot that is used to surprise the opponent by dropping the shuttlecock in front of them.

7. Clear – A high shot that is aimed towards the opponent’s backcourt to create space.

Now that you know some basic badminton terms in English, it’s time to hit the court and start playing. Have fun!


上一篇 2023年5月25日 00:05
下一篇 2023年5月25日 00:05


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