





其实这只是歌词的谐音像这样,但是因为阿森纳在前几年欧冠五年里面不是和巴萨打就是和拜仁打,因此就有了这个梗,阿森纳的队歌是《hot stuff》。

而欧冠主题曲名字正是他们的英文名字《Champions League》,这首歌是1992年英国作曲家托尼-布里登创作,灵感来自于英国国王加冕时的颂歌《牧师扎多克》。

《Hot Stuff》是80年代红遍全世界的Disco女王DONNA SUMMER最成功的冠军单曲之一,同时英超著名劲旅阿森纳队的队歌也是由此曲改编而来。

Hot Stuff为Disco舞曲创造了全新的面貌,在1980年Donna Summer凭借《Hot Stuff》获得该年最佳摇滚女歌手奖。欧足联要求按照巴洛克时代的音乐大师的风格为UEFA的冠军联赛谱写一首有宗教颂歌般味道的主题曲。


阿森纳队歌Started out the season – nothing stopped us,开始新的赛季,没有什么可以阻挡我们Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!赖特赖特赖特就是一切Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland,(让我们)走进博格坎普带来的仙境When Parlour was our Ray of light,帕洛尔是我们心中绽射的光芒Gunner see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff!枪手令阿森纳成为夺冠的热门球队Let’s see the Arsenal showing them how!让我们来见证阿森纳如何展示自己Come on you Arsenal – yeah you are the Hot Stuff,加油阿森纳——啊你是夺冠的热门球队Keep telling us we are boring – we will just keep on scoring now!一直都在告诉我们让我们都听腻了——“我们要从现在开始进球得分”!The Arsenal…Come on the Arsenal…the Arsenal!阿森纳……加油阿森纳……阿森纳!We were on the march with Arsenal’s army,我们跟随着阿森纳的脚步With Tony, Martin, Nigel and Lee,跟托尼、马丁、尼戈尔和李一起,And vivent les Francais, Rami, Gilles and Patrick,还有维维安特•莱斯•弗朗塞斯、拉米、吉雷斯和帕特里克Et tu es magnifique mon Petit,以及伟大的男人佩蒂特We got Matthew and Luis playing some Hot Stuff,我们的队伍中还有马特休和路易斯Christopher and Nicolas showing them how,克里斯托弗和尼古拉斯尽情展现着自己Give a shout for Platty, Hughesy, Bouldy and Alex,为普拉蒂,胡格西,布劳迪和阿里克斯而欢呼吧Keep telling us we are boring – we will just keep on scoring now!一直在告诉我们让我们都听腻了:“我们要从现在开始进球得分”!The Arsenal…Come on the Arsenal…The Arsenal!阿森纳……加油阿森纳……阿森纳!One nil to the Arsenal sang the Gunners,枪手们高唱着:你们休想从阿森纳得到一分By April it was all over-mars,四月就成为我们胜利的季节England’s number one came back a hero,英格兰的冠军将成为英雄And goals were coming hard and fast,进球来得艰难而迅速Gunner see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff,枪手令阿森纳成为夺冠热门球队Got the red and whites all showing them how,红白衫显示着他们有多么优秀Come on you Arsenal, yeah you are the Hot Stuff,加油阿森纳,啊你是夺冠的热门球队Keep telling us we are boring – we will just keep on scoring now!一直在告诉我们让我们都听腻了:“我们要从现在开始进球得分!”女的唱的


阿森纳队歌:Hot Stuff 演唱:达利尔-豪 Started out the season- nothing stopped us, Everything was going Wright Wright Wright! Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland, When Parlour was our Ray of light, Gonna see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff! Let’s see the Arsenal showing them how! Come on you Arsenal – yeah you’re the Hot Stuff, Keep telling us we’re boring – we’ll just keep on scoring now! The Arsenal… Come on you Aresenal.. the Arsenal! We were on the march with Arsine’s army, With Tony, Martain, Nigel and Lee, And vivent les Francais, Rimi, Gilles and Patrick, Et tu es magnifique mon Petit, We got Matthew and Luis playing some Hot Stuff, Christopher and Nicolas showing them how, Give a shout for Platty, Hughesy, Bouldy and Alex, Keep telling us we’re boring – we’ll just keep on scoring now! The Arsenal … Come on you Arsenal… The Arsenal! One nil to the Arsenal sang the Gooners, By April it was all Over-mars, England’s number one came back a hero, And goals were coming hard and fast, Gonna see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff, Got the red and white’s all showing them how, Come on you Arsenal , yeah you ‘re the Hot Stuff Keep telling us we’re boring – we’ll just keep in scoring now! The Arsenal … Come on you Arsenal… The Arsenal! The Arsenal … Come on you Arsenal… The Arsenal! 新赛季,让我们出发,没有人能阻挡我们 一切就要上演,老赖特 步入博格坎普的世界 帕罗尔放射出耀眼的光芒 枪手看到了阿森纳将创造奇迹 阿森纳正在向世人展示 加油,阿森纳,你们是奇才 告诉我你所厌烦 现在我们又将得分 The Arsenal…Come on you Arsenal…the Arsenal! 我们的军队在前进 With Tony, 马丁 尼格尔 李 And vivent les Francais, Rami, 吉尔,帕特立克 Et tu es magnifique mon 佩蒂, 我们得到 Matthew and Luis ,继续创造奇迹 Christopher and Nicolas,又将向世人展示他们 永远支持Platty, Hughesy, Bouldy and Alex, 告诉我你所厌烦 现在我们又将得分 The Arsenal…Come on you Arsenal…the Arsenal! 高歌枪手 我们是四月的战神, 英格兰NO1,一个神话 球门越来越容易 枪手看到了阿森纳正创造奇迹


阿森纳队歌名叫:《Hot Stuff》____________听歌地址:http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt____________歌词:Hot Stuff (阿森纳队歌 Started out the season- nothing stopped us, Everything was going Wright Wright Wright! Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland, When Parlour was our Ray of light, Gonna see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff! Let’s see the Arsenal showing them how! Come on you Arsenal – yeah you’re the Hot Stuff, Keep telling us we’re boring – we’ll just keep on scoring now! The Arsenal… Come on you Aresenal.. the Arsenal! We were on the march with Arsine’s army, With Tony, Martain, Nigel and Lee, And vivent les Francais, Rimi, Gilles and Patrick, Et tu es magnifique mon Petit, We got Matthew and Luis playing some Hot Stuff, Christopher and Nicolas showing them how, Give a shout for Platty, Hughesy, Bouldy and Alex, Keep telling us we’re boring – we’ll just keep on scoring now! The Arsenal … Come on you Arsenal… The Arsenal! One nil to the Arsenal sang the Gooners, By April it was all Over-mars, England’s number one came back a hero, And goals were coming hard and fast, Gonna see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff, Got the red and white’s all showing them how, Come on you Arsenal , yeah you ‘re the Hot Stuff Keep telling us we’re boring – we’ll just keep in scoring now! The Arsenal … Come on you Arsenal… The Arsenal! The Arsenal … Come on you Arsenal… The Arsenal! 新赛季,让我们出发,没有人能阻挡我们 一切就要上演,老赖特 步入博格坎普的世界 帕罗尔放射出耀眼的光芒 枪手看到了阿森纳将创造奇迹 阿森纳正在向世人展示 加油,阿森纳,你们是奇才 告诉我你所厌烦 现在我们又将得分 The Arsenal…Come on you Arsenal…the Arsenal! 我们的军队在前进 With Tony, 马丁 尼格尔 李 And vivent les Francais, Rami, 吉尔,帕特立克 Et tu es magnifique mon 佩蒂, 我们得到 Matthew and Luis ,继续创造奇迹 Christopher and Nicolas,又将向世人展示他们 永远支持Platty, Hughesy, Bouldy and Alex, 告诉我你所厌烦 现在我们又将得分 The Arsenal…Come on you Arsenal…the Arsenal! 高歌枪手 我们是四月的战神, 英格兰NO1,一个神话 球门越来越容易 枪手看到了阿森纳正创造奇迹 红色和白色,飞舞在世界 告诉我你所厌烦 现在我们又将得分 ____________________愿听歌与看球快乐!






上一篇 2023年3月27日 20:12
下一篇 2023年3月27日 20:12


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