

When it comes to table tennis, there are three major international competitions that attract the best players from all around the world. These three major tournaments are commonly referred to as the “Grand Slam” of table tennis.


The first of these three major competitions is the World Championships, which is held every two years. This tournament is organized by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) and features both team and individual competitions.

The second major competition is the World Cup, which is also organized by the ITTF. This tournament is held annually and is an individual competition in which players represent their countries.

The third major competition is the Olympic Games. Table tennis was first introduced as an Olympic sport in 1988 and has since become a popular event. The Olympics feature both team and individual competitions and are held every four years.

In summary, the three major competitions in table tennis are the World Championships, the World Cup, and the Olympic Games. These events provide a platform for the world’s best table tennis players to showcase their skills and compete for titles and accolades.


Ping pong, also known as table tennis, is a popular sport enjoyed by people all over the world. In a ping pong game, players use small paddles to hit a lightweight ball across a table that is divided by a net.

If you want to discuss or write about a ping pong game in English, it’s helpful to know some common vocabulary. The basic tools used in the game include the paddle (also called a racket or bat), the ball, and the ping pong table.

During a game, players may serve the ball to begin a point and then take turns hitting it. Points are scored when a player fails to return the ball over the net or hits it out of bounds.

Some useful words and phrases to know when playing or watching a ping pong game in English include “serve,” “forehand,” “backhand,” “spin,” “point,” “game,” and “match.” For example, “The player served the ball with a lot of spin and won the point with a powerful forehand shot.”

Whether you’re a seasoned ping pong player or just learning the game, familiarizing yourself with these key terms can help you better communicate and fully enjoy the game.


Ping Pong, also known as Table Tennis, is a popular sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth over a net on a rectangular table. The rules of the game are simple and easy to follow. The first player to score 11 points wins the game, and the best of five or seven games wins the match.

A serve starts the game, and the ball must be tossed upwards at least 6 inches and hit the table on both sides of the net. Players alternate hitting the ball back and forth, and a rally continues until one player fails to make a legal return.

The ball can only bounce once on each side of the table before being hit, and it must be hit with the paddle, not the hand. A player can only touch the ball once before it must go over the net to the other side of the table.

Points are awarded for a variety of reasons, such as when the ball touches the net, a player fails to make a legal serve or returns the ball illegally, among others. Above all, sportsmanship and fair play should be upheld during any Ping Pong match.


乒乓球是一项体育运动,享有“国球”之称,而乒乓球三大赛便是世界乒乓球锦标赛(ITTF World Table Tennis Championships)、世界杯乒乓球赛(ITTF World Cup)以及奥运会乒乓球比赛(Olympic Table Tennis),它们是全球最重要的乒乓球赛事。


乒乓球三大赛的英文分别是:“World Table Tennis Championships”、“World Cup”和“Olympic Table Tennis”,这些名称在乒乓球运动员和球迷们的心中犹如一座座巍峨的山峰,激励着他们不断挑战自我、追求卓越。


上一篇 2023年4月9日 23:03
下一篇 2023年4月10日 08:41


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