



1. 打高尔夫球: play golf

2. 击球杆: club

3. 小木棒(一号木): driver

4. 铁杆: iron

5. 推杆: putter

6. 阳伞(用于遮阳): umbrella

7. 手推车: trolley

8. 球洞: hole

9. 练习场: driving range

10. 高尔夫球鞋: golf shoes

11. 高尔夫球袋: golf bag

12. 球: ball

13. 球场: golf course

14. 球道: fairway

15. 沙坑: bunker



Golf is a popular sport that originated in Scotland in the 15th century. It involves hitting a small ball with a club into a series of holes on a course, with the aim of completing the course in as few strokes as possible. If you want to talk about playing golf in English, there are some key phrases to learn. To hit the ball, you can use the verbs “swing” or “hit”. You might say, “I’m going to swing the club” or “I’m going to hit the ball”. When you have successfully hit the ball, you can say “good shot” or “nice one”. When talking about playing a round of golf, you might say, “I’m going out to play 18 holes”, or “I’m heading to the golf course”. Overall, with these basic phrases in mind, you’ll be able to communicate effectively about playing golf in English.


Golf is a popular sport worldwide, and if you’re interested in playing it, you may wonder how to say “play golf” in English. The phrase “打高尔夫球” translates to “play golf” in English. This phrase is made up of three parts: “play,” “golf,” and “ball.”

To say “play” in relation to sports or games, you can use the verb “play.” For example, “I like to play soccer” or “Let’s play a game of chess.” In the case of golf, you can also say “go golfing” or “hit the links.”

“Golf” is the name of the sport itself, and “ball” refers to the small, round object that is used in the game. Therefore, “打高尔夫球” literally means “play golf ball.” However, in English, we simply say “play golf.”

In conclusion, if you want to say “play golf” in English, the correct phrase is “play golf.” Whether you prefer to “hit the links” or “go golfing,” remember that golf is a leisurely and enjoyable sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.


Playing golf is not just a fun outdoor activity, it’s also a chance to learn some new English words. Here are some key words related to playing golf:

1. Tee: It’s the small wooden or plastic peg that’s inserted into the ground to hold the ball for the first drive on each hole.

2. Fairway: The path from the tee to the green is called a fairway. This area is usually trimmed short and is easy to navigate.

3. Green: This is the area surrounding the hole is called the green. It is smooth, well-trimmed surface which plays an important role in putting the ball into the hole.

4. Driver: the longest club used by golfers to hit the ball at the greatest distance

5. Irons: These are clubs with flat heads used to hit the ball from the fairway.

6. Putt: This is a gentle shot made with a putter club used to roll the ball into the hole.

7. Birdie: This is a score of one stroke less than par on a hole.

By knowing these golf-related words you can impress your friends and family next time you’re playing a round of golf!


上一篇 2023年4月23日 08:35
下一篇 2023年4月23日 08:35


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