3、高尔夫球术语 一杆进洞
In the sport of golf, it’s important to understand the terminology used by players and commentators in order to fully appreciate the game. One commonly used term is “hook,” which refers to a shot that curves sharply to the left for a right-handed golfer. Another term is “slice,” which is the opposite of a hook and refers to a shot that curves sharply to the right. If a ball is hit too low, it is referred to as a “worm burner,” while a shot that goes too high is called a “sky ball.” The term “eagle” is used when a player completes a hole in two strokes less than par, while a “birdie” refers to finishing a hole one stroke less than par. Finally, a “hole in one” is when a player hits the ball directly into the hole with their first shot on a particular hole. These are just a few of the many terms used in the game of golf, and understanding them can enhance your enjoyment of the greatest game in the world.