

Golf has become a popular sport worldwide and with it, the English language related to golf has also become important. Golfers need to know the basic vocabulary to understand and communicate with other golfers on the course.


Some common golf terms include “tee,” “fairway,” “rough,” “green,” “putter,” “driver,” and “iron.” Skilled golfers also need to know the rules of the game, such as how many strokes are allowed and how to read the scorecard.

In addition, golf etiquette is also an important aspect of the sport. It includes things like keeping quiet during another player’s shot, repairing divots and ball marks, and not walking in a player’s line of putt. Proper etiquette helps to maintain a respectful atmosphere on the course and allows for a fun and enjoyable game.

In conclusion, developing a basic understanding of golf-related English is essential for both experienced and new golfers. By learning and applying the proper language and manners, golfers can fully enjoy the sport while communicating effectively with others on the course.


Taking My Daughter to Play Golf

Last weekend, I took my daughter to play golf. It was a great experience for both of us. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and spent some quality time together.

First, we learned some basic golfing skills from the professional coach. My daughter was excited to hit the ball and tried her best to follow the instructions. She improved a lot during the game and was happy to see the progress.

Besides the game itself, we also talked and laughed a lot during the walk. It was wonderful to see my daughter’s curiosity about the environment and her eagerness to learn new things. We talked about birds, trees, the sky, and many other things that caught our attention.

In the end, we both had a great time and were eager to play golf again. It was a memorable experience for us, and I believe it will bring us even closer.


Golf is a popular sport played all around the world, and English is often the common language used to communicate on the golf course. Therefore, it is important for golf enthusiasts to have a basic understanding of golfing terminology in English.

Here are some commonly used golf terms to help get you started:

1. Tee – the area where the ball is placed to begin play on a hole

2. Fairway – the short-cut grass between the tee box and the green

3. Rough – the longer grass outside of the fairway

4. Green – the short-cut grass area where the hole is located

5. Putt – a shot taken on the green to tap the ball into the hole

6. Driver – a club used to hit the ball long distances off the tee

7. Iron – a club used for shorter shots and getting out of tricky situations

8. Handicap – a measure of a golfer’s skill level

9. Par – the standard number of strokes it should take to complete a hole.

By familiarizing yourself with these basic golf terms in English, you can improve your communication on the golf course and enhance your overall golfing experience.



1. Tee off – 开球

2. Fairway – 球道

3. Green – 绿地

4. Bunker – 砂坑

5. Rough – 长草丛

6. Club – 球杆

7. Driver – 1号木杆

8. Iron – 铁杆

9. Putter – 推杆

10. Hole in one – 一杆进洞

11. Birdie – 低于标准杆一杆

12. Par – 标准杆数

13. Bogey – 高于标准杆一杆

14. Mulligan – 补救球



上一篇 2023年4月23日 08:37
下一篇 2023年4月23日 08:37


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