勇士队的德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green),出生于Michigan州的萨金托,是一名场上多面手球员。格林职业生涯始于2012年,由勇士队在第二轮第35顺位选中,此后他一直效力于勇士队。格林身材虽不高,但运动能力强,能够在场上担任多个不同位置的角色,是勇士队的重要防守拦路虎。除了防守之外,格林在进攻端也有出色的表现,持续多个赛季的助攻数据都居于前列。在2017年的总决赛中,格林得分、篮板、助攻、抢断、盖帽五项数据均高于汤普森、杜兰特等队友,成为当年总决赛勇士队的MVP,帮助勇士队斩获了NBA总冠军。
勇士格林的全名是德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)。他是一名出色的NBA篮球运动员,效力于金州勇士队。出生于美国密歇根州的格林身高6尺6寸,场上司职大前锋和中锋。作为一名全能球员,格林不仅有出色的防守和篮板技术,还能轻松地组织进攻和命中三分球。自2012年进入NBA以来,格林已经三次获得了NBA全明星赛的入选,并在2017年帮助勇士队夺得了总冠军。同时,格林还是美国男子篮球队的一员,参加了2016年里约奥运会和2019年中国篮球世界杯。在职业生涯中,格林一直坚持勇于挑战自己,不断进步和提高自己的球技水平。
Draymond Green, born on March 4, 1990, is a professional basketball player for the Golden State Warriors in the NBA. He played college basketball at Michigan State, where he was a two-time consensus All-American, and was drafted by the Warriors in 2012.
Green is known for his versatility on both ends of the court, with his exceptional defensive skills and ability to play multiple positions. He has been named to the NBA All-Defensive team five times and was named the NBA Defensive Player of the Year in 2017.
Off the court, Green is known for his outspoken personality and leadership abilities. He has been an advocate for social and racial justice, and has used his platform to speak out on a variety of issues.
In addition to his accomplishments on the court, Green has won three NBA championships with the Warriors and was named an All-Star in 2016, 2017, and 2018. He is widely regarded as one of the best all-around players in the league and a key member of one of the most successful teams in NBA history.
勇士队的德雷蒙德·格林(Draymond Green)是一位多面手球员,在球场上可以踢任何位置的球员。他出生于1989年,身高6尺6寸,体重230磅。生于密歇根州,曾在密西根州立大学打球,并在2012年NBA选秀第二轮第35顺位选中,加入了金州勇士队。