



1. Volleyball – 排球

2. Serve – 发球

3. Spike – 扣球

4. Block – 拦网

5. Dig – 扑救

6. Rotation – 轮换

7. Net – 网

8. Setter – 推球手

9. Player – 球员

10. Team – 球队


1. Can you serve first? – 你能先发球吗?

2. We need to block their spikes. – 我们需要阻挡他们的扣球。

3. Great dig! – 扑得好!

4. It’s our turn to rotate. – 轮到我们上场了。

5. The other team has a talented setter. – 对方球队有一个很有天赋的推球手。



Playing Volleyball – How to Say and Write it in English

Volleyball is a popular team sport that is enjoyed by people all around the world. If you are looking to express your love for this sport in English, then here are some tips on how to say and write about playing volleyball.

In English, the verb used to describe the act of playing volleyball is “to play volleyball.” To make this phrase more specific, you can say “to play indoor volleyball” or “to play beach volleyball,” depending on the type of court you are playing on.

In terms of writing, you’ll want to capitalize the first letter of each word when writing the name of the sport: Volleyball. And when referring to specific types of volleyball, such as indoor volleyball or beach volleyball, capitalize the first letter of each word as well.

When discussing specific skills in playing volleyball, you can use terms such as “spiking,” “blocking,” “serving,” and “digging.” Keep in mind that these words are typically used in their present participle form, such as “spiking the ball” or “blocking an opponent’s shot.”

Finally, if you are talking about a specific game or match, you can use phrases such as “a game of volleyball” or “a match of volleyball.” And when writing the score, you can use numbers to denote the points each team has won, such as “The final score was 25-20 in favor of Team A.”

So there you have it – some basic tips on how to say and write about playing volleyball in English. With these rules in mind, you’ll be able to confidently talk about your love for this sport with English speakers.


If you want to say “I play volleyball on Monday” in English, you can use the following sentence: “I play volleyball on Mondays”. It’s a simple sentence that conveys the message clearly and effectively.

You can also add some more details to make the sentence more specific, for example: “I play volleyball at the community center on Mondays after work.” This sentence provides more context and lets the listener or reader know where and when you play volleyball.

If you want to talk about playing volleyball on other days of the week, you can substitute “Monday” with the appropriate day, like “I play volleyball on Tuesdays” or “I play volleyball on Fridays”.

In English, sports and activities are often expressed using verbs, like “play”, “swim”, “run”, “dance”, etc. So if you want to talk about other activities, you can use a similar structure: “I go swimming on Saturdays” or “I go running in the park on Wednesdays”.

Overall, communicating about activities in English should be relatively easy as long as you know the appropriate vocabulary and structure. With practice, you’ll be able to express yourself confidently and fluently in any situation.


Playing volleyball is my favorite hobby and in fact, I enjoy it a lot. Volleyball is a popular sport worldwide and it requires both skill and teamwork. As for me, I find great pleasure in hitting and blocking the ball, as well as collaborating with my teammates to win the game.

In terms of vocabulary, if you want to express your fondness for playing volleyball in English, you can use phrases such as “I love playing volleyball”, “Volleyball is my favorite sport” or “I enjoy hitting the ball over the net”. Additionally, if you want to express your proficiency in volleyball, you may say “I am skilled in playing volleyball”, “I am an experienced volleyball player” or “I am confident in my volleyball abilities”.

It is worth noting that the sport of volleyball not only enhances physical strength but also promotes mental well-being by allowing players to take on a leadership role and increasing communication skills. In this sense, playing volleyball is a rewarding activity for both the physical and mental benefits it provides.

Overall, if you are fond of playing volleyball, do not hesitate to express your love for this sport. Whether you are conversing with native speakers or participating in international events, sharing your passion for volleyball will help you connect with others who share your interests and foster new friendships.


上一篇 2023年5月25日 23:25
下一篇 2023年5月25日 23:26


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