

Badminton English, or “羽毛球英语” in Chinese, is a specialized vocabulary used in the sport of badminton. It’s essential for players, coaches, and fans to have a good knowledge of these terms to effectively communicate during matches and training sessions.


Some common words and phrases in Badminton English include “racket”, “shuttlecock”, “serve”, “drive”, “smash”, “clear”, “drop shot”, “net play”, “backhand”, “forehand”, “baseline”, “deuce”, “match point”, and “shuttle run”.

Knowing these terms not only helps players understand their coach’s instructions but also helps to communicate with teammates and opponents in tournaments. It’s also important for fans to know these phrases to follow live games or broadcasts.

In conclusion, Badminton English is an essential aspect of the badminton world. The more people understand these specialized terms, the easier it will be for everyone to communicate and enjoy the sport.


Badminton, a game enjoyed by millions around the world, is a sport that originated in England during the mid-19th century. The name “badminton” is actually derived from the Duke of Beaufort’s country estate of Badminton in Gloucestershire, where the game was first played in the 1870s.

Originally known as “Poona,” a variation of a traditional Indian game called “Poona,” badminton quickly spread in popularity throughout England and eventually made its way to other countries as well. The game was first played with a shuttlecock made of goose feathers and a racket made of wood, although today’s modern version uses synthetic materials for both.

Despite its seemingly gentle reputation, badminton requires a great deal of skill, speed, and agility. It is a sport that requires precision, timing, and control, and is enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels around the world.

So the next time you step onto the badminton court, take a moment to appreciate the rich history and legacy behind this classic game – and remember the Duke of Beaufort and his country estate of Badminton, the birthplace of a truly timeless sport.


Badminton is a popular sport that originated in ancient India, and later spread to other parts of the world. It is played using a racquet to hit a shuttlecock back and forth, over a net on a rectangular court. English-speaking countries commonly refer to the sport as badminton, which is played both competitively and casually.

The game of badminton requires physical agility, speed, and hand-eye coordination. It is a great way to stay fit and active, while also having fun with friends and family. There are several popular badminton tournaments held around the world, including the World Badminton Championships and the Thomas Cup.

Badminton has its own set of unique vocabulary in English, with terms such as “smash”, “drop shot”, “clear”, and “rally” being commonly used during gameplay. Additionally, there are specific techniques such as “backhand” and “forehand” that players must master in order to be successful in the sport.

Overall, badminton is a thrilling and exciting sport that requires skill, finesse, and agility. Whether playing competitively or casually, it is a fun way to stay active and connect with others who share a love for the game.



1. shuttlecock(羽毛球)- 物理上,羽毛球是一个锥形物体,由一个塑料帽和16个羽毛组成。它被用于打击和传输。

2. rally(回合)- 每次发球和接球的连续动作,直到其中一个选手无法返回球,点结束。

3. smash(扣杀)- 当球高度达到身体以上时,选手用快速而有力的动作将球击向对方场地的技术。

4. drop shot(掉落球)- 用轻软的手腕动作,使球以弧线方式落到对方场地的技术。

5. serve(发球)- 在技术开始前,必须通过发球将羽毛球传输到另一个场地。



上一篇 2023年4月16日 00:48
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