






Football, or soccer, is the world’s most popular sport. The game is played with two teams of 11 players each, and the objective is to score more goals than the other team. The game is played for two 45-minute halves, and the team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.

There are strict rules in football to ensure fair play. Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms, except for the goalkeeper who can use their hands within their penalty area. If a player breaks a rule, the opposing team is awarded a free kick or penalty kick.

Offside is another important rule in football. A player can be deemed offside if they are closer to the opponent’s goal than both the ball and the second-last defender when the ball is played to them by a teammate.

In addition, players who receive a yellow card are warned for unsporting behaviour, while those who receive a red card are sent off the field for serious fouls or misconduct.

Overall, understanding the rules of football is essential for players, officials and spectators alike to fully appreciate the beauty and excitement of the game.




Football, also known as soccer, is a sport that is widely popular around the world. Like any sport, football has a set of rules that players and fans must follow. Here are seven key rules of football in English:

1. The objective of the game is simple: score more goals than your opponent.

2. A match consists of two teams of 11 players each, with one goalkeeper and ten outfield players.

3. To start the game, a coin is tossed, and the winning team gets to choose which side of the pitch to play on or to kick off first.

4. Players must use their feet or other parts of their body except for their hands and arms, except for the goalkeeper who can use their hands within the penalty area.

5. Fouls occur when a player breaks the rules of the game, such as tripping an opponent, and can lead to free kicks, penalties, or even player expulsion (red card).

6. A goal is scored when the ball fully crosses the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar.

7. The game is divided into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute halftime break.

Following these rules can help you enjoy watching and playing football.


上一篇 2023年3月28日 22:21
下一篇 2023年3月28日 22:21


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